Tuesday, September 19, 2006
she smiled @ 11:24 AM
taking 6modules a sem is really no joke.
its only mid term and i'm feeling worn out and tired, unlike last sem. GOODNESS. i need to get my zest back! haha. yea you heard right..ZEST!
she smiled @ 1:01 AM
Sunday, September 17, 2006
today, i learnt a few things.
i learnt not to have high expections, or expecting too much from people. the higher the expectations, the greater the hurt and disappointment when these expectations are not met. no matter the faith you might have in them, they bound to disappoint you in one way or another, whether intentionally or unintentionally. i am very sure even for myself, i do not meet certain expectations that people have of me as well, so what right do i have to demand that they meet mine?
i learnt to be tolerant. a friend in help is a friend indeed. although as unlovable as some people might be, God said that we should love one another as we love ourselves, including our neighbours and our enemies even. being tolerant moulds us to become more patient people. and having patience is a good thing.
i learnt that human feelings are fleeting. we change our minds very quickly when we see something better coming our way.
wanted to type more, but am hungry. am going to source for food. :)
she smiled @ 8:21 PM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
got pretty much inspired by zhen's blog, and super intrigued by her posts. haha.
as stated on my nick, school work is drowning me. but i need to remember, grace grace! i will make it through this sem, even better than last sem.
this time, it's for real.
anyway on a serious note, i am going on a diet!! hahaha getting so fat you wouldn't believe it. and i'm sick of people calling me names like fat ass or pig or whatnots. or saying that i'm fat. damn sick of it.
so from now on, i am cuttiing down on carbo, abstaining from deep fried food, fast food, soft drinks, junk food like chocs and chips BLABLABLA. haha i know how easy it is to say so i need your help! stop me from eating too much if you see me. it's time to shut these people up. for good. yay. and i need to resume my running. at least 3 times a week.
there. it's now in words so i must stick to it. jiayou!
she smiled @ 10:14 PM
so, tell me, what do you do when the world abandons you?
she smiled @ 12:21 AM
Monday, September 11, 2006
finally i could upload the pictures onto blogger so beware, shitload of picts coming right up..
arts bash 2 lust man standing
ok i'm not supposed to be posting roe's pict up here so..just imagine the 3 of us sitting outside and acting cute haha!
roe suan and i acting cute outside MOS
roe was damn suay cos she forgot to bring her ic and the bouncers at MOS just refused to let her in. she had to call her dad to drive down to pass her ic so she could get in the club. goodness, quite joke la. the 3 of us sitting outside waiting for her dad to come haha. and i'm sorry girls! i know i was supposed to dance with you but i kept disappearing to "find my friends" haha. they were just all over the place la. but was still nice to have met suan :) (i see roe in sch like all the time)

me and oi in the ladies where she was nanny-ing the pageant girls

with charz and carol :)

me with claryce and kelly plus extra kennchng at the back

guess who i met at arts bash 2..PPT (piao piao teo)!haha

amy bloo and i

me and weida! he was high dancing the whole night man,too bad i didnt get to see him boogie haha

the happy couple + colin and i

me and reigning arts queen! so GORGEOUS right

on the dancefloor: bloo me mary and roy

haijie and her haidais! :)

kenneth the arts king (from sr!) and anhong, one of the pageant boys

wang goh and oi

stupid matthew with his "MASCARA!"

me and kk! his face might look big here but thats cos i was standing waaaaay behind so my face wld look smaller haha

our long lost TS friend, JOSEPH!
it was overall quite an enjoyable night, altho' i must say that the music really SUCKED BIG TIME man. only towards the end then it got just ABIT better. the group of us (me ivan matt swi qianfu charz) went to mac's for food and for me to escape the dreadful music. when we came back we just stood right outside of the dancefloor and entertained ourselves (esp matt with his really silly and funny dance moves haha).
a few angmohs around STARING BLATANTLY at girls, its really blatantly i tell you really freaked me out man the way they stare. anyway anyway anyway i have shitloads of work to do!
she smiled @ 12:31 AM
Saturday, September 09, 2006
i really wanted to post up the pictures from arts bash 2 a few days ago but hello and picasa were being such biatches! let's hope they revert to normal soon cos i have like a thousand and one picts to post up!
today, 09/09/06: first official outing :) a day of fun, laughter, and wonderful nonsense!
mac's brekkie @ ecp
challenge of the day - teaching no.2 to cycle! haha. WE DID IT BTW! we are like how zai man :)
one large iced lemon tea: shiokness
excitedly embarked to escape theme park for the viking!
got 15% discount for admission ticket haha but still, 14bucks! haha
screamed our lungs out on the rides;
did silly cheers on the viking (we sat on it 3times by the way) with the kids around us happily obligingly echoing after us;
got stuck at haunted house barely 1min inside cos we were screaming and screaming and the staff had to come in and guide us thru, even warning us what was going to happen (ie. ok this guy's gonna jump out at you on your right). hooded ghost got so tired of scaring us he removed his hood and followed us around (but still managing to scare us hhaha)
one large sprite - cool and relaxing
started to drizzle..spent the time chatting away
headed to glass house for dinner making hell lot of noise as usual; ate like we haven't eaten for weeks
went to PS for light shopping
all tired and home sweet home :)
this is so i won't forget. :) thanks for all the fun times
she smiled @ 10:39 PM
Sunday, September 03, 2006
i have been having certain dreams of late. all these dreams seem to point to a certain direction, trying to tell me that i'm in lack of something and i need it so badly that i have dreams about it all the time.
but in Christ the Lord our God, i have absolutely
NO LACK of anything at all. NOTHING. everything shall be given to me in abundance because my God is so faithful, so lovely, so worthy and so full of grace and mercy..my Jehovah Jireh.
He will provide, because He is all these and so much more.
i forgot to mention how
AWESOME the AWE (adoration, worship, exalt) worship on saturday was. the whole sanctuary was filled..not only with God's presence, but hundreds of youths coming together as one body of Christ to worship our God Almighty. the altar calling, the praying for one another and the praying together, the bowing of our knees to our glorious King..
simply amazing.
i was really and truly awed, by the Abba Father. to those out there who are still trying to resist Him, you don't know what you're missing out on! come on, give yourself and God a chance. once you taste how good the Lord is, you won't wanna stop knowing Him! come come talk to me okay :)
Here I Am To WorshipLight of the world You stepped down into darkness
Opened my eyes let me see
Beauty that made this heart adore You
Hope of a life spent with You
Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely, altogether worthy, altogether wonderful to meKing of all days so highly exalted
Glorious in heaven above
Humbly You came to the earth You created
All for love's sake became poor
I'll never know how much it costsTo see my sin upon that cross
and today is my dad's 46th birthday..HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY! may you be in good health ALWAYS :)
she smiled @ 11:52 PM
Saturday, September 02, 2006
everything shall end as of tonight. i see nothing imminent.
the cessation is near. one last night of chimera, phantasm, extravagance.
she smiled @ 3:47 AM