Thursday, March 30, 2006
hmmm my blog's getting boring so here are some pictures to enjoy! yay!
she smiled @ 11:30 AM
pictures from kexi's wedding service

from top, left to right: sarah & jui, suzie & matty, me & ai, pl girls rock!, cyn & i, edwin aka gay hairdresser lol, jingyi & andrew-da-big-face, jingyi & mel, me & my 2 kids
she smiled @ 11:29 AM

jingyi & joel, candid shaun, kexi's hand! those words are WEDDING VOWS, me and yan, debbie, er darkness@harry's, yu & ai, me suzie & jingyi, stupid act macho jui haha
she smiled @ 11:28 AM
pictures from kexi's wedding dinner

candid shot of the guys, me & jingyi, jingyi brenda & yu, matty & i, jingyi yu & i, me & jingyi, tang cob & jui, cob & huimin, huimin & i
she smiled @ 11:27 AM

jas & i, me & cob, huimin me tang & cob trying to act dao, the girlies, me & ai, table pict!, cob & jui, our leggiesss, jingyi yu & i
you can
click here for the album.
she smiled @ 11:26 AM
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
everyone should be given a chance?
i'm not even talking about second chances here; i'm talking about first chances.
many times i was tempted to just take that step of chance and go ahead with the flow. it just seems so easy. an afterthought told me that, hey i'm right, it's so easy, too easy to be true. which means implications will surely occur. am i ready to handle that? i'm not too sure, but i'll take a chance on this and say no, i won't be able to handle these implications.
cos i know, deep down inside, i'm not ready for anything yet. until the day comes. till then...
i'm sorry.
she smiled @ 12:07 AM
Monday, March 27, 2006
i feel overwhelmed all of a sudden.
and i think i'm seriously addicted.
who will help me now?
she smiled @ 11:42 PM
i have a project due this friday, and we have done nuts about it. i'm starting to feel the panic. the first in this entire semester.
i kinda dislike this project. help stupid singtel promote their stuff. pointless la.
dear God, You have been so good to me all this while, You will continue being good and help me through this right? i just want to commit this entire project into Your hands right now and pray that You'll just take care of it and help me through it. thank You Lord. Amen.
alright pls keep me in your prayers peeps.
she smiled @ 6:19 PM
Saturday, March 25, 2006
i know that i hold not much importance in your life anymore; maybe not even any at all.
but just want to tell you that i will still be here for you no matter what. i will listen to your troubles and sorrows; and share your joy and happiness.
i will carry the burden of your sadness together with you, and pull you through your difficult times.
i will do all i can, if only you give me the chance to.
i love you.
she smiled @ 8:06 PM
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
for one moment there, i thought i had oral cancer.
starting to get really pissed and unaffected. sounds quite oxymoronic right. right. just slowly getting used to it.
today at the wellness centre, the doctor was so fascinated by my medical condition that she got another doctor in to take a look at me as well. so while i was sitting there feeling like a live exhibit and a total idiot, they threw medical jargons around like they were nouns and adjectives. they referring to the medical jargons, not the doctors. i figure i must look like i'm from school of medicine la. hahaha.
yea right. not funny.
and so they concluded after flipping through some books and showing me some erm not so nice picts that its FDE. so the other doctor looked at me and my swollen lips and said, "from what i see here, it has to be the FDE, fixed drug eruption."
and i was like okay thanks so exactly what the hell is that.
basically its just drug allergy. and of all drugs i had to be allergic to, it has to be the panadol menstrual. and the ulcer i thought i had at the roof of my mouth? it's a blister. which burst this morning while i was brushing my teeth.
yippee dee doo day.
so looking forward to hell everytime i try to eat for the coming days.
pls keep poor me in prayers :(
she smiled @ 7:03 PM
Friday, March 17, 2006
i miss you.
not just you, but you as well.
sometimes the feeling is just simply left-out.
is it me? or you.
she smiled @ 10:15 PM
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
yipee. i'm such a loser. in lecture alone for 2wks in a row already. haha. yawns. boring. good thing i have my laptop with me.
not that bad la, actually. come to think of it, i really
am a loser. i spent 2 consecutive sundays doing projects. super no life can.
rarrr. but still i gotta say, life's good. with Him around. (:
she smiled @ 6:18 PM
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
today when we were shopping, my mum stood in front of the mirror and declared "wo hen xiang bi ni fei leh" which is translated to "i seem to be fatter than you".
yea okay i know. cheap thrill. haha.
she smiled @ 12:15 AM
Thursday, March 09, 2006
this has got to be the most ridiculous and cock msn conversation ever between my friend and i.
my friend: heyyyyyyyyyyyme: hie you rude boy
me: lol
my friend: hah my friend: wateva my friend: u went hme aft molesting ***?me: haha what
me: i didnt molest *** okau
me: y
me: i had lect from 6-905
me: the lecturer was so sick la he ended so late!
my friend: hah my friend: sia la my friend: tts sadme: haha
me: u sound darn sarcastic can
me: dont try to act sympathetic la
me: lol
my friend: see every time i try to be nice my friend: u thk otherwise my friend: pui my friend: tts it my friend: last straw my friend: gina sux my friend: forevame: haha ehh not my fault for being so defensive k
me: who asked u from e beginning i knew u u have always been meannnn
me: ok la. there are occasional lapses when u were nice u to me i dunno why
me: but sitll
me: still
me: generally
me: not nice
my friend: ok my friend: shall keep it tt way thenme: haha rarrrrrr
my friend: u rarrr the whole night also no useme: haha ****. i cant believe this. but i think i actually miss studying w u in the lib. and all ur stupid attempts at saying sarcastic remarks. and ur stupid roll eyes face. HAHA.
my friend: really? my friend: i dontme: FINE BE THAT WAY
my friend: hahahhaa my friend: go ahead[12:13:36 AM] my friend has been blockedafter 15mins later, i unblocked friend: childishhhhhhhhhhhhhme: HUR
my friend: tsk tskmy friend: my turnme: haha eh
me: cheap thrill sia
me: quite fun
[12:24:36 AM] my friend is now Offline [12:26:01 AM] my friend is now Be Right Backmy friend: yayme: haha so lame! anyway i think before i blocked u were typing somethg right
me: what ah
my friend: i said go ahead my friend: hahahme: no after that
me: i saw the go ahead okay
me: irritant
my friend: dont have eh my friend: i jus hahaha my friend: go ahead my friend: go ahead my friend: go ahead my friend: go ahead my friend: go ahead my friend: go aheadme: IRRITANTTTTTT
my friend: woohoo my friend: but yeah my friend: miss studying w ya too my friend: dont worry man my friend: exams arnd the corner my friend: plenty of opportunities my friend: see la my friend: say nice thg u keep silent my friend: haiiii my friend: this gal ar my friend: haiiiime: haha
me: suddenly u nice to me
me: i dunno how to react what
me: lol
my friend: pls lorrr my friend: suddenlyme: haha
me: thanks **** for being so much joy into my life!
me: dunno why everytime talk to u on msn will feel like laughing haha
my friend: of cosssssss my friend: i rock right my friend: jus say my friend: itme: DREAM ON
*names have been changed to protect my irritating friend.
she smiled @ 11:07 PM

happy bday jingyi!
she smiled @ 12:24 AM

me suzie mel & joanne
she smiled @ 12:24 AM

me and yu
she smiled @ 12:23 AM

ah mei and ah yu
she smiled @ 12:23 AM

oh yay cam whoring as usual
she smiled @ 12:23 AM

me and small boy clement
she smiled @ 12:22 AM

darryl & john
she smiled @ 12:22 AM

me and ah mei
she smiled @ 12:21 AM

the bday gal!
she smiled @ 12:21 AM

shy and bamboo aka PPT aka SPH lol
she smiled @ 12:21 AM

the YMers @ the chalet
she smiled @ 12:20 AM

jingyi's bday cake!
she smiled @ 12:19 AM
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
wow, i am sooo tired from the past 3 wks of school, church, work and everything else. seems like i didn't have much of a chance to get any proper rest at all. slp everyday was just a mere 5-6 hours; 7 when i overslp. which actually seems fine, but not when you have a whale of things to do and think about.
but well, although school has been getting busier and busier each wk, i still enjoy this semester much more than the previous one tho' it was super slack. i cut classes almost everyday last sem. but not this time round! i've been faithfully attending lectures and tutorials and even doing my readings, tutorials, and project work. amazed? yea i myself am amazed by this feat. it all came from the grace of God.
let's do a little deadlines timeline:
mon 6mar - nm2216 proj due (done and over with)
fri 10mar - nm2216 proj presentation
fri 10mar - last reaction paper for nm2219
22mar - nm2101 proj due
27mar - nm2219 proj due
end of march to early april - presentations for nm2101 and nm2219 projs
march/april - cybercrime test
april - term paper for 2209 due
and i gotta start organising the soci foc committee and plan for our camp! and bible camp! (hopefully we get to do it, that is)
"Jesus' blood never fails me."i am going to accomplish all these and so much more. :)
speaking of today, i had no classes. finally a little breather for me before i plunge myself into the mad rush of school starting tomorrow again. got to catch up with xuan today.. we went for a swim/tan session at my previous condo! weather today was really good :) but i don't think the tanning had much effect on me, cos i think i'm too resistant lol. we stayed at the pool for close to 4hrs, before heading back to my home to shower.
watched howl's moving castle! the show absolutely rocks. michele we shd set up some kinda fan club for this. or maybe just for howl. haha. and just watched some mindless tv before walking to chomps to get some dinner back to eat. and mindless tv it was again.. although i felt that i could probably have a much more constructive day today, it was nonetheless still great spending it with a friend i seldom see. hey we should probably do this on a much more regular basis. swimming is fun! altho' i still don't quite like it as much as running heh. hope to meet up with you again babe :)
what an incredibly long entry. yawns. thanks for tagging guys! keep up the good work haha.
kat: not sure what error msges you're talking about.. maybe it IS just you heh. that shows that you're unique! ;)
edwin: errrrrr. haha. thanks for tagging anyway! :)
swi: i have decided to call you swinut from now on. in return for ginbean. :) and how can survivor be above me?! howwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww?!?! and, i have no furry ass. so i certainly do not wax it. haha
yu: thanks babe :) your greenish skin is so.. greeen. hahah i love ya and i'll always be here alright. :)
see, i've decided that in order to get people to tag i should probably reply them. but this was kinda sporadic, so we'll see how it goes yea. heh.
time for a relationship with my bed! nights y'all.
she smiled @ 11:28 PM
Sunday, March 05, 2006
oh and. if you realised. i seem to be posting alot more often lately. that's cos i like my new skin! ahahaaaa. excuse for me to keep looking at it. and there's a tagboard so TAG. esp all you anonymous readers out thereeeeeeee. okay i'm going insane.
back to drowning in my work. ok thanks bye
she smiled @ 10:42 PM
oh btw, i think my phone's quite gone cos i dropped it damn hard just now. on an escalator no less. well, just when i was about to put the phone back into my bag, it just sort of missed you know, and headed straight bottom. i think maybe my phone likes moving objects.
oh and did i mention i'm about to just dieeeee from stress from school soon, like maybe tomorrow? the amount of work. is. drowning. meeee. HELP.
she smiled @ 10:27 PM
somthing is wrong, but i can't put my finger on it. is it me? or am i just plain stupid.
she smiled @ 9:24 PM
Friday, March 03, 2006
decided that i'm quite sick of that previous pink layout heh. actually what i had in mind was totally not this at all, but i chanced upon it and decided that it's quite nice. plus, i lurrrve baby blues. if i had the ability, i would go collect their whole series of comics man heh. wren is by far the cutest!
thanks my dear friends for all your encouragements and affirmations :)
and i really don't understand what mishie meant by "my furry ass" unless she
s talking about leon tan. hahaha. really miss hanging out with you mish!
and lays!! i totally missed that period too man. we must re-enact it again during the coming fop period! and we should have a haidais-haijie outing man.. just the 4 of us :) would really like to get to know you guys better :)
i would like to shout out to miss OOI SWI LIN. you're simply the BEST and gina loves you alot alot!! MUACKS :)
she smiled @ 10:22 PM
seriously am really very upset with my mum.
fine. she can complains all she wants about how fat i am. i'm okay. i admit that i am.
but even after these 2 weeks of trying to cut down on my food intake, she
still complains that i'm fat. every time she sees me. i mean, i don't really know if my dieting even works, cos i don't think i can really see any obvious difference. but at least i do feel that hey, i think my pants feel a little looser today kinda thing? but aiyah what the, maybe i'm just delusional. but still, maybe she can try to be a little nicer and more encouraging and cook less oily food at home.
i think i'll always be fat to her until the day i become a stick insect. can anyone give me any tips on that? don't know how to satisfy her anymore.
oh and my hamster died. what a day.
she smiled @ 7:02 PM
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
yayee finally decided to post up some pictures in the midst of studying for my cybercrime test later. speaking of which, i think i'm gonna do really badly for that test. cybercrime is synonymous with BORING.
anyways, on to happier pictures :)

the first birthday of the year! we celebrated shy's 21st @ grapevine. :)
click here for the album.
and of course, an onslaught of pictures from my china trip!

china was wonderful, really. but i still love singapore!
click here for china trip online album.
heh more pictures actually, from kok siak's wedding. but let's save that for another day.
she smiled @ 10:37 AM
i allowed myself one last cry, before calling it quits as of today.
i refuse to live under your dictation anymore. it's just too tough.
in this case, goodbye means forever.
she smiled @ 12:55 AM