Friday, January 27, 2006
hey y'all!
will be leaving in a few hours time on a trip to shanggggghaiiiiiiii chinaaaaaaaa. lol.
it's gonna be freezing there. hopefully it will help burn my fats off. hopefully. haha
not gonna be back till late wednesday night. pray for me and my family k? thaaaaaaaanks :)
have a splendiddddd chinese new year!
she smiled @ 8:18 PM
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
an email from my dearest mei :)
Dear Lord Father,
I pray that You'll heal Gina's ulcer on her gum that hurts badly and that she can't eat well. Lord I pray that You'll take the pain away. And Lord I pray for journey mercy when she's going to Shanghai. I pray that You'll be with her and keep her safe and sound that she and her family will not be infected by the bird flu disease. I thank You Lord for such a great sister that You've planted in my life and i pray that You bless her in everything she does and that she will grow to be a great spiritual leader for You. Thank You oh Lord.
In Jesus most precious name I pray,
- God bless you(: -
it's the little things in life that makes me feel extremely happy and blessed (:
she smiled @ 12:27 PM
Sunday, January 22, 2006
remember when i had this?

now imagine the cut to be as big as a 50cent coin.
=pain, pain, more pain and hunger cos i can't eat.
i can't even drink anything in peace! or swallow my saliva. darn it.
she smiled @ 7:46 PM
Friday, January 20, 2006
i apologise for judging you just because you judged me. indeed, we're not fit to judge one another because only God alone has the power to do so.
"do not judge, or you too will be judged. for in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? how can you say to your brother, 'let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? you hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to reomove the speck from your brother's eye." -matthew 7:1-5
suddenly i feel like i'm being thrown back to that period of time when words became utterly useless for me. (cf: entry dated 1 oct 05: "real relationships take patience and sacrifice and lots of communication - if you actually communicate, that is.") they aid in no communication at all, and only aim to hurt. and when the context of the situation is unclear, words shouldn't even be verbalised at all. especially unconstructive ones.
she smiled @ 3:46 PM
Thursday, January 19, 2006
i think i have been deluded my whole life. i thought i had friends. but they all seem to disappear when you need them the most. but then i think it's just me, not them. in the past, whenever i was feeling down or had a problem, i would ring out people on my phonebook and pour out my sorrows to them. but in recent years, i seem to just retreat into an inner shell which no one knows of when things happen. maybe i'm just lazy. i know one perfect person whom i can go to, but somehow just can't find the energy from within to do it. or actually to be honest, deep down inside i'm just waiting for her to come to me. that's quite sick actually..i think too highly of myself man.
this is a trying time. i pray that God will see me through, cos i'm at a loss of what to do already.
she smiled @ 11:43 PM
for the first time in my life i got all the tutorial slots that i wanted! first choice somemore! wheeeeeeeeeeee. praise the Lord!
unbelievably for me to say this, but i think i kinda secretly enjoy nm lectures. or maybe it because i've been through hell econs lectures before. haha whatever the case is, nm is definitely a much better choice of study for me than econs.
striving to be a changed woman!
she smiled @ 10:07 AM
Monday, January 16, 2006
Father Lord i pray that You'll let me keep peace in my heart. extinguish any sparks of anger within me. lead me away from the path that displeases You. instead, teach me to see things through Your eyes and do what pleases You. help me through this i pray Lord Father. thank you for everything. all this i pray in Jesus' most precious name, Amen.
she smiled @ 7:34 PM
didn't think of blogging about this but sometimes it just sucks when shit happens.
like you know, you don't even know the shit was there right in front of you until you walk RIGHT INTO IT.
SQUISH. STINKS. try washing it off? sure. but the stink will probably linger for at least a few minutes.
and sometimes, you are just so suay, you can't find any place to wash your shoes, or even have any tissue paper to wipe them. not even a grass patch to clean your shoes on. simply put, you weren't given any chances at all.
this is called, SHIT HAPPENS.
so what do you do when it happens, you DEAL WITH IT. you don't stand there and curse at the piece of shit that you stepped into cos c'mon, what can it do? nothin'. it will not magically reverse time and make you not step into it.
and is it really the shit's fault that you stepped on it? nahhhhhhhhhhh. it's your own ****** fault for not noticing it.
in summary, how do you react when shit happens? walk away in as dignified a manner as you can, devise of some way to get the shit off your shoes, and open your eyes to look out for more shits in future.
maybe then, shit will start happening less to me.
she smiled @ 2:00 PM
being service ic yesterday rocks! lol. though i was all unprepared and totally nerves-fried, God saw me through everything and guided me by the Holy Spirit. what can i say? the feeling of serving Him with your heart is simply wonderful. :)
she smiled @ 1:38 PM
Thursday, January 12, 2006
rarrrr. school has started. siannnnnn. oh well. new year new semester. ganbatte gina! okays that aside, i have finaaaaaalllyyyyyyy uploaded allll my pics from last year. so there are quite a few new albums. enjoy the photos (:
odac bbq @ junjie's house

back to school xmas party @ charz house

xmas eve with the barbarians

leadership training camp 2005 - burn!

nye countdown with the churchie peeps

the links:
school stuffc.o.t. & affiliatesfass orientationarts club thank you dinner 05soci soc foc 05the bbrs in 2005bbrs on xmas evetpym in 2005my adorable familyback to school xmas party
she smiled @ 9:23 AM
Monday, January 09, 2006
a decision made. now a covenant to follow through. the year 2006 is filled with so many exciting possibilities! i'm burning, are you? :)no point making all those new year resolutions when i forget them the minute we move into february. looking forward to many many exciting stuff coming my way!
though we should always look to the future, the past itself is not something to be forgotten or hidden away. yes, as the saying goes, do not dwell on the past. i totally agree with that. but that doesn't mean you can't reflect back on the things that you've done and classify them into categories like "good things to be done again" or "worst mistake of my life, never do it again!"
without our pasts, we wouldn't be who we are now. so i say, go on a little memory trip every now and then whenever the mood comes. you'll be surprised at the fondest/funniest/silliest things you remember and also most importantly, mistakes learnt.
yes alot of events in the last month of 2005 which i haven't got to talk about yet, and of course, pictures! :) promise to do it real soon. till then. :)
she smiled @ 5:30 AM
God He Reigns/All I Need Is YouHoly one, Holy one
All creation bows to worship
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Glory in the highest
I will sing, I will sing
Your praises forever
God He reigns, God He reigns
Holy is the Lord of heaven
God He reigns, God He reigns
Forever more
All I need is You
All I need is You, Lord
Is You Lord
All I need is You
she smiled @ 1:20 AM
Friday, January 06, 2006
okay actually come to think about it, it's not that bad i guess. just need some getting used to.
haha yes i know. women and their fickleminded-ness.
so sue meeeeeee.
she smiled @ 11:14 PM
i did a rather silly thing just now.
i went to perm my hair. yes PERM you didn't see this wrong. i wonder what came over me.
do not ask me to put up pictures cos i simply refuse to.
of all the stupid things i choose to do..
she smiled @ 8:06 PM