Wednesday, June 30, 2004

ain't he darn cute?

me and junyu, for the benefit of ... you know who you are

my shuai ge and me!
to see more, click
anyway, had a blast. my birthday celebration starts from sunday and is ending this coming saturday. cool eh? heh. barbarians are coming over to my house later! i'm gonna cook man. and when they found out, they were like 'no!!! don't poison us!' or simply request that i do not cook. what's the meaning of this man?! how many people are dying to taste my cooking. haha as if.
will update more on my birthday celebrations soon? yeah.
by the way,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUAN! hope you have lotsa fun today.
she smiled @ 11:23 AM
Monday, June 28, 2004
i'm supposed to be happy.
but i feel depressed.
she smiled @ 11:29 PM
Sunday, June 27, 2004
the thanksgiving service at the openhouse was good. the food was good. the company was good. all in all, everything was GOOD! had so much fun. taking photos and making fun of people and enjoying one another's company. yum.
its really hard to see all your friends next to you all going together to the same place except for you. one fine day, i will be forgotten and i will probably never speak to them again for the rest of my life.
i'm trying very hard already. God, is this where you really want me to be? then that is the place that i will go.
she smiled @ 12:24 AM
Friday, June 25, 2004
a day out with ms leow..

testing out the chair at ikea

us with the picture

*guffaws* i look like i'm naked here.

on the bus to citilink with the mousepad
want more??
here's the place to go to.
by the way, there's also another new album and lotsa pictures were added to other albums as well. check them out under snapshots.
tomorrow's our new worship hall's openhouse! can't wait. its gonna be fun.
nigggght all.
she smiled @ 11:54 PM
Thursday, June 24, 2004
okay! my wishlist is up by popular demand. if you get what i mean?
heh heh.
she smiled @ 11:34 PM
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
legs are on the verge of cramping after 2 hours of gym with yam.
my pimple is not going down.
a large amount of oil is seeping out of the pores on my nose at an alarming rate.
currently am broke, jobless, and am growing fatter by the day (i.e. waistline is increasing at a speed of 0.5 inches/day)
dieting plans always always go to pieces at the sight of mouth-watering food.
due to on-the-verge-of-cramping legs, am not gonna be able to climb downstairs to the loo and back up again, so am gonna wet my bed tonight. or probably hold it in all night till the next day, at which am gonna wet my bed tomorrow morning.
she smiled @ 12:48 AM
Monday, June 21, 2004
today's our 1 year 7 months anniversary. and we're still counting. -huge grins-
she smiled @ 11:42 PM
i highlighted my hair! -grins-
she smiled @ 6:28 PM
Saturday, June 19, 2004
some sneak previews of our outing..

a grp pic right in front of the poster!

sarah me huimei huiyu

at station waiting for train after the movie

all squashed in the train!
for more, check it out
alright gotta run.
she smiled @ 11:28 AM
Friday, June 18, 2004
guys, if you are a big fan of hippo, you should really check
this out. if not, then check
that out.
she smiled @ 10:12 PM
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
forget about the last entry. its crap. haha.
one of my good/close friend just told me that i have the power to make him feel happy just by hanging out with him. cool man! haha didn't know that i was so power. -grins-
anyways was supposed to update all about my camp. it was good, it was fun, it was enriching. totally cool. love camps. they bring each of us closer to one another, and to know more about people too.
haha guess what. i was backup singer for last week's service!! cool shit. purely by chance. thank God! i'm so glad to be back. pray that nothing ever draws me away again. the period when i was away was terrible.
okay i've uploaded the camp photos. check them out
here and
had a whale of a time with the barbarians last night. carried on with our tradition of watching Harry Potter together for the third time. but of course stupid jingzhi the MAID was stuck in camp and couldn't join us. stupid maid!
to all who are reading this: i love all of you! and so does God!! nights. -grins-
she smiled @ 12:50 AM
Monday, June 14, 2004
i now know the feeling of hearing someone you like talking about the person that he/she likes. it sucks totally.
she smiled @ 3:23 PM
Sunday, June 13, 2004
it's always nice to know when your smile has helped brighten someone's day.
she smiled @ 4:41 AM
Saturday, June 12, 2004

my group, Magnify!

haha i like this pic cos its so impromptu! at first was only me huiyu and kang, den suddenly everybody who walked past joined in.
for more pictures, stay tuned. -grins-
she smiled @ 1:37 PM
Friday, June 11, 2004
WHEE!! i'm back from bible camp. one tonne of things to say but barely know where to start. give me some time.
by the way, check out 2 new albums: chevron night and Recruit Express!
and of course, will upload the camp photos like, real soon. promise cj!
she smiled @ 2:54 PM
Monday, June 07, 2004
last friday was my last day of work at recruit express. so what the heck am i doing, being awake at 7.46 in the morning?!?!
i'm going for my church bible camp!!! *jumps around with excitement* can't wait can't wait can't wait. of course, one small part of me would SO rather sleep till noon in my oh-so-comfortable bed, and slack everyday, watching tv and eating tidbits. BUT. my church camp is gonna be SOOOOOOO fun.
okay time for me to go. still have one tonne of stuff not packed yet. oh did i mention that our campsite's gonna be at the NTU hostels? hahaha. sneak preview!
bye people. and don't miss me! be back on thursday. woOohOOOooo~
she smiled @ 7:43 AM
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
my eyes are half closed. my bed is calling my name. my sweetie is slping downstairs in the massage chair, knocked out since he has been up since the night before.
today was chevron night. some kind of celebration for the sispec echo company lar. the food was good, the drinks were good, my company (PEIHUA!) was good, BUT the damn music sucked like H***. they has this three triplets, wearing the same clothes, all three having the same high pitched screeching voice, to entertain us for most of the night. to listen to them is excruciating. luckily ph was there. we had fun bitching about all the commanding officers or whatever officers they are, talking about stupid things in the world, taking so many photos which OF COURSE ph looks totally bitchy in. haha she's really such a.. you know. hah. anyway shall upload the photos soon so you can all look for yourself.
real glad that ph came. love that babe. damn funny and irritating. think i'm masochis-whatever-you-call-it. have a fetish for irritating people. like dorothy, andrea, etc to name a few. haaaaaaaaa.
was drove home by shannon, yq's platoon mate and ph's crushee. think he liked her for like 2 years aleady but the poor guy doesn't stand a chance. sad.
anyway. this whole entry is like totally irrelevant. i need sleep.
she smiled @ 12:43 AM