Tuesday, March 30, 2004
its official. im now a RE-er making thousands of phone calls and answering phone calls till my ears wanna drop off.
haha actually its not
tat bad lar. just tt today's my 1st day, many things to learn and cope with.
i agree with felicia. telemarketing sucks. but its okay. i'll try to love it. den maybe i'll actually look forward to work every single day. yea right. looking forward to waking up at 7 every morning and den squeezing into undersized mrts for the oversized working population.
at least i have fel and dot. dot is crazy.
by the way, i now finally understood the phrase "ai mei bu yao ming" which literally means sacrificing ur life for the sake of beauty. try looking good in a black pair of heels with the ability to break the wearer's toes and tell me ur feet does not hurt. u're
so obviously lying.
she smiled @ 11:06 PM
Monday, March 29, 2004
damnit. me & my big mouth. or rather, my itchy fingers.
yanhan, don't be hurt! i feel so bad now. its jus tat i
really wanted to meet up with u guys on fri night. but i had work, and after a whole day of work i totally forgotten abt it. kind of angry with myself abt tat. but when u called me at 10 plus tat night, i was just wondering why couldn't u call me earlier when u realised i wasn't there? den maybe i would have been reminded to be there. i just felt left out lar.
pls don't let this affect our r/ship can? i feel tat im just starting to warm up to u guys.. as we're not really very close yet u know? im the silly one who went to hu si luan xiang and sprouted out all the rubbish in my blog. it was just the heat of the moment. i apologise for tat. don't be angry with me yea? i would really really like to keep this fren of mine.
she smiled @ 11:29 AM
Sunday, March 28, 2004
YUMMY. i just had the
most delicious dream last night.
she smiled @ 11:42 AM
Saturday, March 27, 2004
i got bugged by zhen.
click here to get bugged.
she smiled @ 10:22 AM
Friday, March 26, 2004
why do i feel tat im not the one who forgot, but the one who was forgotten? oh crap. why shd i care? they can do fine without me anyway. nobody needs me. nobody needs me to be ard them. really. who will want fat ugly gina to hover ard them every minute. right?
go away.
she smiled @ 10:53 PM
she smiled @ 10:33 PM
Thursday, March 25, 2004
had a fun day @ work today. working at raffles city is SHIOK. customers just come, tell u 'i want this this this' and tat's it. no persuading, no whining, no nothing. within the first hr i was there i already made 4 sales. which is pretty amazing cos @ other counters i normally have only a pathetic 5 or 6 sales per day.
han, chao, zhiyong & fx came to visit me @ centrepoint when i was working yday. i bet han dragged them there. haha. they are the soon-to-be botaks! haha can't wait.
made a few new frens at work today. all pretty nice pple. 1st time when i don't have to eat lunch alone! i have a sad life eh? i know. sighhhhhh.
a digression: girls shd NEVER give their numbers to guys who ask for it. never, man.
niteeeee all.
she smiled @ 11:30 PM
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
i need to lose some flabs.
i need to lose
a lot of flabs.
she smiled @ 10:14 AM
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
been waiting for this day to come.
a customer saw through my pretense of vast knowledge of lancome pdts and exposed me right on the spot. she said, "are u sure u know ur pdts?" just when i was trying to explain the diff between photogenic compact, blanc expert compact and maquimat compact. she continued, "because u dun give me the confidence tat u know ur pdts well u know." and asked for my colleague to serve her instead.
major embarrassment plus a tinge of relief knowing tat i dun have to continue bluffing my way thru with her.
had a TERRIBLE pounding headache after tat. tat abt sums up my day.
woke up with swollen eyes and didn't go to work. went to the police post to change the addy on my ic with my sister. we're really slow man. moved for half a yr already. now then bother to change. had brunch with her at mac's. saw zhiqiang outside mac's. apparently a bunch of ex SR guys were playing soccer at the cc. in the hot & sweat-inducing sun. typical guys. go figure.
sister told me there's this new karaoke joint opening at the cc. so we went to check it out. and its bloody expensive! in the end, decieded to go hougang plaza k-box. so, took a bus down and sang frm 2-7 which is extremely long. so thirsty afterwards. played pool after tat. leads to one conclusion: my pool sux! but amazingly i won the first game. haha. but i lost the second game though. haha. yea had a sort of sister bonding day today. but it was an expensive one though. heh.
pam: are u sure u wanna work for lancome? 1stly, the pay sucks. 2ndly, some customers' attitudes suck. 3rdly, u have to stand and serve customers which basically sucks too cos it can be tiring. so, u still wanna work for lancome? let me know again.
sooteck: u wanna buy a pup? but u're going to tekong soon! are dogs allowed there? hah lame question. but i'll check it out for u anyway. let u know again.
yam: thanks ger! :) u're the best too. *hugs*
by the way, i HATE POp-upS!! and i say tat with great detest.
she smiled @ 10:25 PM
Sunday, March 21, 2004

Stoner Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
she smiled @ 12:19 PM
Friday, March 19, 2004
i just had a fight with my youngest sister. yes, fight, as in slapping each other and retaliating each other's attacks. suddenly feel so childish. and what sparked the fight? the stupid little thg of who gets to use the computer.
slap me pls. okay actually tats unnecessary cos my sis has already done it quite a few times.
dun wanna talk abt it anymore. just know tat..i actually do love her lar huh.
i got the job at recruit express! which means im gonna have to pangseh my lancome job. and i have no idea how im gonna get a 5days mc. and u probably have no idea what the heck im talking abt. so, heck it.
actually, dunno if i really wanna take the job. its a commitment cos there's gonna be a contract. and, im not exactly big on commitment save for my darling of course. if u noe what i mean. im starting to misunderstand myself sometimes so im not surprised if u're feeling lost reading what im typing so u know what u shd do? go and slp. yea. tat'll be goooood. reeeally good.
good night to u den. slp tight!
she smiled @ 12:28 AM
Thursday, March 18, 2004
urgh. i SO wanna get all trains of thoughts out of my puny little brain so tat i can get some slp in preparation for work for tmr. i mean, u can't exactly be a beauty advisor to pple looking like a panda, can you? but no. no matter how i attempt to cover myself totally under the blanket or listening to more faye wong music, i
can't stop my brain frm thinking at all. and it doesn't help when my whole body's aching frm playing too much captain's ball today.
so many random thoughts are running thru my mind now. i really wish for a remote control where i can press STOP as and when i like, and play SLOW so tat i can go through each thought one by one and not have them all in my mind in one jumbled up mess.
things like uni application, retaking SATs so i can have one teeny weeny little shot of getting into SMU when im rejected frm NUS, the fact tat i haven't been to church for a really loong time and tat im so distancing frm God and i shd probably do somethg abt it FAST. thinking abt my parents. my totally BIASED father who gave my sister a $500 cheque cos she got 5As for her O levels while ZILCH for me cos i didn't get a single A. the fact tat when I got 5As for MY Os, i didn't receive a single cent. i know i probably sound totally bitchy and jealous, but i hAVE got to let this out. my sis is smart by nature and she totally did not study for her O's. unless slping and reading comics are considered studying. im stupid, i know. i may not have been working hard my whole 2 yrs in jc, but i have GOT to say tat i studied my arse off for my As. i know my results are nothing to boast abt, but i DID get them due to my hard work, and of course blessings frm God. why is it tat to my father, no A means not good enough? why can't he see tat i studied like shit and got results tat
I am proud of? why can't he just stop being so bloody biased and start being fair for a change? im tired of always being on the losing end. its like no matter what i do, nothing can get his approval of me. every single thing i do is a waste of time to him. i feel
so unappreciated. why can't he congratulate me on my results instead of asking me why didn't i get any As? why can't he be proud of ME, his daughter who is so gonna make it to the uni?
thank God i still have my mum. but of late, she's beginning to get on my nerves too. i hope she doesn't turn into my dad. oh god. i can't bear the thought of that.
urgHHhhhh. somebody help me PLEASE.
she smiled @ 12:57 AM
Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Water Goddess. You like peace and serenity and are
usually content with life.
What element would you rein over? (For Girls) brought to you by Quizilla
she smiled @ 9:23 PM
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
i hate this.
i hate myself.
WHY? why?
i could really use it.
but i don't have it.
she smiled @ 11:32 PM
Monday, March 15, 2004
wOOohOooO~! just finished watching the Nezha show after dunno how many hours of continuous tape rewinding & tape changing & tape watching. but all worth it man. the show is nice. much better than channel 8 serials.
hmm. actually had one tonne of things to say. but suddenly my mind feels blocked now.
anyways, after hearing so much cantonese, everything sounds cantonese to me now! chinese english. every word tat emitts frm the tv totally sounds like cantonese! help.
im in love with Nezha.
don't get me wrong pls. i meant the show.
she smiled @ 9:26 PM
can u believe i was awake since 12pm yesterday? been watching the Nezha show throughout the night. yummy! watch until the exciting part u know! den can only stop there cos my dad hasn't gotten the rest of the tapes yet! grrrrr. gotta go catch some shut eye now. night all.
she smiled @ 7:26 AM
Sunday, March 14, 2004
thanks all those who left me such nice tags. all my dearies! heh. im VERY sure im getting into uni. yea man! anyways, didn't do much this past few days.
fri: no work. stayed home to slack and watch the tapes tat my dad rented. u know, the 7pm channel U show. Nezha tat wan. its damn nice!! everybody shd go watch it.
sat: went to pasir ris to fetch my darrrling frm tekong. took a cab back to his house and we had lunch there. his mum is so nice. always offering food to me. its no wonder im of this size. took a cab (again) down to SMU. by the time we reached there, openhse ending already heh. saw a few SRJCians there, and got to meet my fav jie, shihui! she's still the same. loud, crappy, and just shihui-y. love her all the same.
today: watched tapes again in the morn. went shopping with my mum and youngest sis at bugis. wow. i discovered a whole new shopping area tat i have never stepped foot in before. yes call me suaku. the shops there are all really small and squeezy, but they have some pretty nice clothes which aren't too ex. yippee.
pretty much decided which course im gonna take. pray hard tat i can get in. if not, there are always other courses. something else tat God has in plan for me. need to get a laptop soon. okay. gonna watch some more tapes later.
me & shihui at SMU.
she smiled @ 8:31 PM
Thursday, March 11, 2004
in my 2 yrs of jc life, the only worry i had was not being able to do well for A levels. after i graduated, all i wished for was results good enough to get my arse into uni. it has
never ever occurred to me tat maybe, just maybe, i don't have the financial ability to get myself into uni. or rather, my dad's financial
non-ability. right now, i can predict a few reactions frm a few pple.
xuanyu: ginaaa! pls lor, just sell ur eco pond and u can even go overseas lor!
in his exaggerated ugly manner*
edwin soo teck: gina, u're a bachelorette lor. dun tell me tis kind of shit can.
in his serious no-nonsense manner*
huimei: huh?!?! how come?
in her usual barbaric eyes opened wide manner*
yea. correct me if im wrong, pls.
so, does my realization sound strange to you? welcome to my world.
she smiled @ 11:44 PM

Heart of Crystal
What is Your Heart REALLY Made of? brought to you by Quizilla
she smiled @ 11:31 AM
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
apologise bout the previous entry. had to let it all out. if not i'll be one crazy girl. yep anyway, im fine.
so, there's a party coming up. details are as follow:
15 march, monday
R & B
$15 guys:
(inclusive of 2 free drinks)
guest dj invite
house pour jugs @ $15
Escada frangrance for 1st 50 ladies
entry starts at 9pm.
yes. its a jc party or something lar. not so sure. but sounds fun right? anybody wants tickets pls gimme a call or sms. if u do not have my contact, pls leave a tag together with ur contact. or u can email me. email addy's at the right side. i'll contact you. and, help to spread the word around yea? urgh. off to work i go.
she smiled @ 8:05 AM
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
this is SO wrong. i don't need you. get out of my life.
she smiled @ 11:12 PM
Monday, March 08, 2004
who the f*ck do u tink u are? why the hell are u so bloody self-delusional? have u ever spared a thought for my feelings? or do u tink tat i dun have any f*cking feelings to speak of? u tink im made of wood? those type tat no matter how u stab, i won't bleed and feel anything?
u know wad? u are so f*cking WRONG. i AM made of flesh and blood. every single injury u inflict, it hurts. why are u doing this anyway? are u trying to be me? guess wad, there's only
one me ard in this world. u can never be me. or even replace me.
not at all.
she smiled @ 10:46 PM
Sunday, March 07, 2004
okay. bout yesterday. it was a saturday. had a girls day out. me, my sister, huips, and tuition teacher meiyen. plus my ah shuai. heh.
we met up because meiyen wanted to give us all a treat. we're her tutees mah. yea. went for dinner at cartel. gosh, u shd see the amt of food we ordered. it was enough to feed a soccer team i tell u. felt soooo bloated after eating.
finished dinner at around 9 plus. my sis wanted to go play pool, so we followed her to THREE places and all had no space for us. had to wait so long. so, we rejected the idea of playing pool. do u know we walked around for 1hr plus just to find someplace where it isn't fully booked and we didn't find it. grr. stupid sister.
so anyway by the time we decided to watch a movie it was close to 11 already. walked to cine where i met my ah shuai and we all watched a midnight show, the butterfly effect. its damn cool. the plot is really interesting. sound effects and graphics are good. WATCH IT!
before the move started, we went to have drinks at lips and even ordered dessert. cheesecake! can't believe how much i ate last night. oh gosh. tat's it. im going to be a member of the fatty's club.
yea movie ended ard 2. took a cab home. and all expenses for the day paid by meiyen! heh. so nice.
meiyen yina me huips at ps cartel.
she smiled @ 12:42 PM
i only have one thing to say now. everybody, go watch
The Butterfly Effect!
update u guys again tmr.
jill: pls tell me how in the world did u lose 10 kg!?!?!?! teach me man!
she smiled @ 2:38 AM
Saturday, March 06, 2004
oh yar i NEED to blog abt this before i forget.
yesterday, when we were at nydc, i went to the toilet and left my hp in the cubicle. how bloody forgetful can i get?!?! so it was after quite some time before stupid me realised tat i lost my hp. i ran back to the toilet to check and obviously it was gone. so i used huimei's phone to call my hp, and some girl picked it up. this really nice girl was eating at sakae beside nydc. i met her outside and she returned my phone to me. im sooooooo grateful. thanks man!
if i were the one who found a hp, i would have turned it off, take out the sim card and throw it away. and the phone will be MINE. but after having been through the horrible feeling of losing ur hp, i hereby promise tat i will return every single hp tat i find! yea man.
she smiled @ 3:14 PM
i can't slp. dunno why. must be the raspberry milkshake i had just now.
okay. its over. ALL over. yay.
i need to catch some slp man.
jilleen:u look like u lost weight! working life is tough, yea? take gd care. :)
pam: u did SOoooOOo well. still told me u were scared. scared for nothing lar. hah. congrats anyway. *hugs*
night all.
she smiled @ 1:58 AM
Friday, March 05, 2004
oh yea. the perfect escapade
must include a ferris wheel too. whee.
she smiled @ 1:33 AM
i don't wanna go to sch tmr. i just wanna go somewhere with a breeze, maybe a few butterflies flying ard, and not to forget, some musical orchestra playing in the background. yes. the perfect escapade. if u guys don't see me tmr, u'll know where to find me.
in my dreams.
thanks to all those who wished me well. wyman pam shuming gary jingyi jingle.. u know who u are. sure hope tat u guys won't be disappointed.
she smiled @ 1:24 AM
Thursday, March 04, 2004
urgh. just came back frm a prata session with my family. fatfatfatfatfat. must apologise to fel and wyman for not being able to go clubbing with them tonight. hope u guys had fun.
my job starts tmr, and i haven't gone though a single word of my skincare products notes, not to mention cosmetics and fragrances. time check: 1 am. shit. i'm so screwed. this is the end of my career as a Lancome girl.
she smiled @ 12:58 AM
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
went for a celebration lunch at marche last sunday. my aunt's treat, to reward my sis who done so well for her O levels. well, went there and saw many ex-colleagues and some new faces. and boy were there some new
faces. saw this female waitress with so much makeup, i swear, she looks like she's about to perform at the Hungry Ghost Festival getai if not for the UGLY marche uniform she was wearing. believe me, it is
not a pretty sight, esp when the restaurant is a place meant for eating.
she smiled @ 2:08 PM
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
i feel like eating a cake. can someone buy me one? oreo flavour would be nice. *drools*
she smiled @ 10:34 PM
okay. i tink the rain just got heavier.
she smiled @ 5:50 PM
its raining. HEAVILY. and i can hear my ah mah downstairs clapping her hands for joy and urging the sky to rain
even harder, if tat's even possible.
she smiled @ 5:48 PM

You are Alex. Sharp, smooth, and genius. You are
sexy because you are strong and you don't mess
Which Angel from Charlie's Angels Are YOU?! brought to you by Quizilla
she smiled @ 5:39 PM
my arse hurts.
she smiled @ 2:10 PM
Monday, March 01, 2004
woohooo~ had a whale of a time singing at kbox with fel sherry yanhan wyman weichao pc lina zhiyong & jiajing. heh. somehow i tink only
i had fun cos i was hogging the mic the WHOLE time we were there. hah. FUN!!! yay. shd do it again sometime soon. like after our A results come out. cos im sure i'll need some place where i can wail and scream and shout as loudly as i want. be it in a joyous way or..
the other way.
check weichao out. karaoke king with 3 mics!
singing out hearts out.
by the way, i ripped something off a friend's blog which i tink its hilarious. sorry janelle! and thanks! *grins* i know u won't mind right? haha.
hurhurhur....hmmm...look at me maan...im chee hean the funny man! im really bored of just sitting on my ass the whole bloody day playing solitaire and chatting on FastTalk hotline, while whipping primary school and secondary school students.....heeey! i forgot all about my dear jc students! hmmm...i think i shall copy USA's brilliant idea to gauge a student's IQ level....actually i think its quite a stupid method but i shall implement it anyway cos im so SIAN DIAO...haha what fun it would be!
and recently i realised many of ACS/ACJC students' chinese standards are dropping rapidly.....i feel i really need to do something about this man! after all! if i dont....where would i get Mr Tan's free countryclub memberships...Mr Cheng's donations of land and of course...hehe...cash la....Mr Wong's christmas gift to me...one more bungalow...hehehe....and all the very generous people of the anglo chinese board...after all...they are....ahem...close friends and benefactors of the minis...o sorry...i meant our society....so like i was thinking hard as usual....why the hell do we need chinese?? hokkien,cantonese,teochew and singlish not enough meh?? more erm....close to our roots yea?? hahah....anyway now we are licking the boots of ang mohrians so why do we need chinese?? we should have the "spg accent" man! so sexy....so hehe....gostan la hor....hahaha....hopefully now the AC board will continue rolling funds in....hehehe....to our society la i mean!
erm.....the project work acherlli is not my idea one lor.....dunno which cuckoo went to suggest that....so...hehe...gostan again la ah?? haaha...i mean...we learn from trial and error wad! if we dont learn from failure...how are we going to succeed?? *serious moment*
HAHAHA...i cant believe you actually took my word for it!!! stupid ah you!! wahahaha.....but i think its damn exciting lor...seeing those stuuupid jc kiddos being guinea pigs for nothing!! and those stupider teachers that actually embraced the idea of project work!! wahaha!! my education propaganda speeches must be really working man!! im so proud of myself i think i shall treat myself to another month in the switz....o yessss...chee hean, you're da man!!
ministry of
education gostaness
she smiled @ 11:10 PM
whoopee! new layout and new skin. cheers.
she smiled @ 10:30 AM