Sunday, February 29, 2004
i swear, im gonna sue MOE when i have the money.
she smiled @ 11:30 AM
yay. another nice weekend spent in the company of my sweetie. *is tat puking sounds i hear?* haha. been waiting for damn long for sat to come just so tat i can meet up with him. i hate NS i tell u. anyway, he's so tanned now he looks like a bloody mangkali! haha okay tats a bit too exaggerated. but he looks like a cross between malay & indian. he's like how dark! and im like how fair now. its either he go for whitening or i go for tanning.
went chinatown with him. apparently he wanted to bring me to some ramen restaurant but he doesn't know where it is. wtf! was kinda pissed at first cos i was wearing HEELS and he expects me to walk around to explore with him. but kind of got over tat cos really missed him and didn't wanna stay angry with him. well, fortunately we managed to track down the restaurant. its actually located at far east square. near the place where i had pizza with the odacians on vday. the restaurant is now a jap-thai combined restaurant and kind of reminds me of nooch. yummy. had tis crispy chicken spicy ramen, fried tofu, california maki (a kind of sushi) and unagi! oh yea had tis big bowl (yes, BOWL) of soursop juice too.
heh planning to try the thai food there another day since all we ate today was jap food. yay! :)
after dinner we went around to find some desserts. saw jane, tis girl frm SR s18, working at some restaurant. she recognised me as a SRJCian. and asked us to try desserts frm her restaurant. didn't really feel like eating there cos like so awkward as i dun really noe her very well. so i told her we'll take a walk around first before coming back. haha and we ended up walking to swensen's to have ice cream. it was really delicious. totally heaven. and totally fattening. gorged myself silly i tell u. really feel tat eating is
such a blessing, so many kinds of delicious food around! lucky humans. pity my dog who only gets to eat plain old boring hard dog food and plain rice with an occasional addition of meat inside. don't take food for granted pple!
anyway, whats wrong with the bloody MOE! make me take my SATs
THREE times just to let me find out tat its not required for uni entrance requirements.
$240. do u noe wad i can do and buy with tat? i can buy 2 pairs of levi's jeans, a guess bag with money to spare, 6 roxy shirts, 10 handbags and 8 pairs of shoes. grrr. give me back my money!!!
after dinner at far east square.
me & the chao tar botak.
she smiled @ 1:47 AM
Friday, February 27, 2004
my sister got her O level results today. not sure of her exact grades, but her L1R5 is 10 and her L1R4 is 7. happy for her. even though i feel tat she doesn't really deserve it. cos she's very very lazy and didn't even studied much for her exams. but what can i say? some pple get all the luck. she's smart. and talented. i believe she'll do well in future.
as for me, i suddenly can't wait to get my results back. anything to stop this feeling of anticipation which eventually leads to disappointment.
she smiled @ 4:08 PM
stole this frm wyman's blog. because there are pictures of ME! inside (if u look carefully). heh. and because it looks nice too. really.
she smiled @ 12:06 AM
Thursday, February 26, 2004
now tat i tink about it, i've finally understood why i had insomnia last night. i drank 1 whole cup of mocha yday evening! no wonder.
was awakened by my supervisor's phone call in the morning at 10, and i only slept at 4 plus. i can actually feel my eye bags deepening and blackening. well anyway, she called with my schedule. (finally!) i'll be starting work in march. i've put down my schedule at the right, so maybe u guys can check it out and see when u're free to give me a little visit in case i die of boredom or end up talking to the cosmetics. and it doesn't hurt to help boost my sales a bit. heh.
okay. im gonna spend the WHOLE day at home reading. and packing my room.
but, i feel like blogging bout wad i did yday. i mean, after all the serious CRAP tat i typed in the morning at 3, its time for me to talk about.. erm.. things tat i did tat i wanted to talk abt but didn't get the chance to.
i watched Big Fish yesterday. not with my sister. heh with wyman whom i have not seen in quite awhile. shall not go into the details of how i got the tickets free. even though i feel like it. okay i dun really feel like it anymore. it was a nice show, and i had a great time with wyman. but i doubt he has the same sentiments cos i caused him to drop his camera tripod in the cinema in my haste of running to the toilet after the movie cos i was so bloody urgent. *sighs*
i learnt one thing frm the movie. u need to be slightly exaggerated in story telling to make it more interesting.
she smiled @ 12:01 PM
well done gina. you're actually up at this unearthly hour blogging bout ur mundane and unexciting life.
okay. i can't get to slp. partly is because i feel nauseous. must be cos i ate too fast and too much just now. its giving me a stomach upset. and partly is because..just plain insomnia. seldom has insomnia. to me, being able to slp is like a cow being able to eat grass. okay tat was a lousy analogy but you get my point. somehow i just couldn't get to slp tonight. despite the amt of reading i've done to try to make myself slpy, and the music tat i kept on playing to make me drowsy. none of it works. what i need is my sweetie. but he's away at camp, so..its okay. i'll just talk to myself here.
i realised tat i've never had a
real best fren before. okay some of u might be thinking now what exactly do i mean by
real. honestly, i have no idea. in all my yrs of life, 18 and a half to be exact, i've never had a fren whom i can really call my best fren. i mean, i've had good frens of course. but somehow none of them i can truthfully call my best fren. close? yes. but best? no.
and sometimes i feel tat i have no frens, really. what i have is just a bunch of acquaintances. pple i say hi and make small talk to. but not pple tat i can casually call out for brunch or a movie. its quite sad, really. when i scroll through my phonebook, all i see are names of pple whose images may have already been forgotten or fading frm my mind. there are only a few whom i can ring up or sms casually, bearing in mind tat these pple actually
have their own good/best frens, not just me.
in my opinion, a best fren is qualified to be a best fren is when a) he/she knows u inside out, even better than ur other half. b) he/she is willing to lend u a listening ear for however long u want, even when he/she is actually sick of hearing u say the same things over and over again. c) he/she takes good care of u all the time, even if he/she isn't feeling too good themselves. d) he/she is always always there to pick u up when u fall, and attempting to heal ur wounds for u, even if it means they get hurt themselves along the way. e) he/she loves u just the way u are, without any intention of changing u.
hmmm. no wonder i haven't found a best fren yet. but wait! come to tink of it, i
do have one, don't i? and tat's my boyfren! but weeell, i would also prefer a female best fren pls, thank you very much. u have to admit tat guys have problems understanding girls sometimes. oh crap. the lack of slp must have been driving me insane to say such ungrateful things.
right now, i wanna thank God for blessing me with soo many good frens. eg. the barbarians, my odac frens and..okay tat's abt all. (told u i have no frens right?) oh and not to forget my church frens who never fails to brighten my day when im down even though we're not very close. (feels like im writing a testimonial.) you pple have added so many colours to my life and are still adding. and i do hope tat I'M also adding colours to ur life too! in a good way, i mean. i pray tat our friendships last till we're 80 yrs old, and not only tat, but i also pray tat our relationships will strengthen over time. amen. :)
she smiled @ 3:05 AM
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
hey peeps! i've got tickets to Big Fish tmr night at 7 at cineleisure. if any of u is interested, pls let me know. or i might just end up going with my sister.
anyway, does excessive crying leads to blindness? somebody tell me. and by the way, im just
she smiled @ 11:34 PM
"Here Without You"
A hundred days have made me older
since the last time that i saw your pretty face
a thousand lies have made me colder
and i don't think i can look at this the same
but all the miles that seperate
disappear now when i'm dreaming of your face
i'm here without you baby
but you're still on my lonely mind
i think about you baby
and i dream about you all the time
i'm here without you baby
but you're still with me in my dreams
and tonight it's only you and me
the miles just keep rollin'
as the people leave their way to say hello
i've heard this life was overrated
but i hope that it gets better as we go
i'm here without you baby
but you're still on my lonely mind
i think about you baby
and i dream about you all the time
i'm here without you baby
but you're still with me in my dreams
tonight girl its only you and me
everything i know,and anywhere i go
it gets hard but it wont take away my love
and when the last one falls
when it's all said and done
it gets hard but it wont take away my love
i'm here without you baby
but you're still on my lonely mind
i think about you baby
and i dream about you all the time
i'm here without you baby
but you're still with me in my dreams
tonight girl its only you and me
she smiled @ 12:23 PM
Monday, February 23, 2004
damn YOU. because of u i broke my hairband, and u dare said tat i was lazy. damnit.
the hairband was a gift frm him. it may seem nothg to most pple, but i knew tat he had a hard time getting it for me cos he was really tired tat day and yet i demanded it frm him. he gave in to my demand, but we had a big fight after tat. i really liked and treasured tat hairband. now its broken. it can't be worn again. DAMN the moron who made me broke my hairband.
why am i so bloody clumsy in the first place. TMD.
she smiled @ 11:27 PM
yes i know i once said tat i HATED blogs/websites which have music. yet now im having one of those blogs tat i hate. tis is just another trait of girls evolving into women.
7. we say one thing, but we mean another. unless we say tat we
really mean it.
im going to break up with him if he ever two-time me.
one day...
i've been seeing her for 2 mths already.
WHAT! i want u to break up with HER!!! *crying & screaming*
p/s: pls leave comments bout the music. shd it stay or go?
she smiled @ 12:37 PM
Sunday, February 22, 2004
at my dearest house now. he's leaving for tekong in 2 hrs time. im gonna have to wait for him to book out again in 1 wks time. i hate the feeling of waiting. stupid NS. &*%@$%
went with fel for her manicure at citilink just now, and we had lunch at Nooch. had thai tom yam vermicelli. nice.
continuation of 10 thgs u need to know bout girls...
4. we enjoy good food, but pls put up with us when we whine abt our increasing amt of fats in our bodies.
5. we are always right. abt everythg.
6. if we happen to be wrong, pls refer to no. 5.
she smiled @ 4:15 PM

Compassion: You are there to share your sympathy
with others. People would consider you
affectionate and caring, and someone to look up
Which Characteristic From the Samurai Code Matches You Best? (You may find out your best trait) brought to you by Quizilla
she smiled @ 10:38 AM
Friday, February 20, 2004
been spending lots of time with my fellow gender recently. the whole wk in fact, has been spent in the company of girls. which is good. cos tat'll leave no time for me to tink ridiculous thoughts and get all upset over nothg.
but i tink its time for me to have some male company. a SPECIFIC male in fact. if not, he can just go turn into a gay. okay i take tat back. i would
not want him to turn gay.
watched somethg's gotta give with fel today. a very complicated and rather draggy movie. but nonetheless, not a bad watch. tis is bad. EVERY time i go out with fel, sure to spend money. sooner or later we'll be reduced to beggars. seriously considering the possibility of isolating myself frm the fanciful world and become a hermit.
10 thgs u need to know bout girls who are evolving into women
1. we can never have enough bags.
2. we can also never have enough shoes. or clothes. or anythg nice for tat matter.
3. we may seem shallow, but we're NOT.
tat's all i can tink of for now.
my trainer frm lancome, Toni. she's really pretty!
she smiled @ 6:16 PM
Thursday, February 19, 2004
yipee turns into D I S A P P O I N T M E N T.
she smiled @ 11:36 PM
today's THURSDAY! yipee. :)

hand holding - you like to be in constant physical
contact with your special someone but you don't
want to take things too quickly.
What Sign of Affection Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
she smiled @ 3:19 PM
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
thanks kanghui for giving me the opportunity to go watch a free movie with her! haha even though its not very nice..but its ok i guess. long time didn't see her anyway. had a chance to catch up with her. she's still obsessed with her xiao zhi zhi! oh man.
learnt a tonne of thgs in training today. im gonna be an expert on skincare. feel free to ask me anythg!
omigosh. i can practically feel my tummy bouncing with every step i take. time to do some exercise and go jogging. and stop eating so much. and stop spending so much money.
grrr. CONTROL gina! u can do it~! yay!
she smiled @ 11:17 PM
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
just came back frm dinner at marche with fel zhiyong & junjie. junjie's out for one day after his field camp! but he's going back tmr morning. my dearest is only coming out on thurs. tat's like so long. i miss him. i really do. even though i dun show it or say it. happened to read some girl's blog and her bf went NS too. she wrote in her blog tat she's been crying almost every nite.
tat's sweet of her to miss her bf so much. but must she really go crying every night? i mean, if her bf found out tat his dearest gf has been crying every night becos of him, he'll feel terrible right? and why must she make him feel even more terrible when he's already terrible enuff?
so to all the girls out there whose bf are in NS or leaving for NS soon, pls dun turn into a fountain. im sure ur guy won't like it if 60% of ur body water comes out as tears. be strong. there are so many thgs out there for u even without ur bf. ur frens. ur family.
to all my frens: thanks for being a part of my life. it won't be the same without u. -grins-
she smiled @ 10:36 PM
Monday, February 16, 2004
heh. went for a manicure yday with yvonne & dot! we were really bimbotic i tell u. hah. zhiqiang & euwin were there too. they are irritating! anyways. im happy bout somethg. SHE din get the job! haha. im a sadistic hypocrite. shoot me.
she smiled @ 7:36 PM
Sunday, February 15, 2004
wow. haha. had fun the past 2 days. thanks to all my fellow odacians! esp de gers. love u guys!
went back for odac camp on fri nite. we stayed overnight in sch! haha had a fun time scaring the j1s during their nightwalk. me fel & xuanyu were together. and we came up with tis tactic to make sure we scare the living daylights out of them. haha successful! yay. scared quite a few pple.
totally didn't slp at all on friday night! was up trying to scare pple till bout 5 plus in the MORNING. damn tired. after the nightwalk ended we went to slack in cca room 5 where there was a projector and we watched movies. or rather, fel watched a movie. the rest of us just curled into chairs and fell aslp immediately. fel was the only one awake watching some thai movie simply cos the guy inside is cute.
argh. tried napping awhile but it was so uncomfortable! in the end rotted till bout 7am like tt and we headed home. fell aslp on the bus and almost missed my stop! thank God i woke up in time to get off. the moment i stepped into my house i was aiming straight for my bed. gosh. how tired. slept till like 3 plus, den received a phonecall frm yvonne. was supposed to meet the gers at hougang cc to sing ktv at 1.30, but i overslept! haha lucky she called. if not i sure slp till night time den wake up.
by the time i reached there it was already 4plus. sang a few songs. basically the system was ok except for the occasional skipping of discs and lousy sound system. must be using pirated vcds i tell u! sang till 7. was late to meet the rest for dinner. heh.
8 girls & 3 guys celebrating vday together. heh went to tis restaurant called spizza. its located like so deep in. ulu pandan. but the pizza there is not bad i guess. gen's sister's bf is a chef there! so we got a discount. ahaha.
they wanted to go somewhere after dinner which we finished at like 10plus. obviously we had no idea where to go, so went to raffles place mrt outside to take photos. tired pple like me yanhan & sherry couldn't take it and we headed home, leaving the rest still deciding where to go. hah. wad a nice & special vday i had. even though its not with my dearest, cos he can't book out! (NB: refer to previous entries)
seldom went out with the odac gers in the past. kept to myself and my few close frens. always felt tt i was unable to click with them. felt weird for me to go out as in out of school with them. but i had fun the past 2 days. really. had lotsa fun. really hope to be able to know them better cos i noe that they're really nice pple. why is it tt i feel tis way only when we have graduated?!?!
to my dearest: hey baby! happy vday! even though we can't spend it together tis yr, its alright. hah make sure u give me a bigger belated pressie! lol. kidding. love ya lots. *muacks*
p/s: check out the photos we took the past 2 days under odac vday celebration!
us in the pe office during the camp.
waiting for our fd to be served.
me & zhiyong.
pretty ladies after the dinner.
she smiled @ 12:43 AM
Friday, February 13, 2004
a boring day.
was late for work at the office! waited for a gd 20min before i finally got a cab. ERP's damn ex! increased my cab fare by 3.50! lyke wth. i only had like $11.30, and was contemplating to ask the uncle to let me stop when the meter read $6.80 + $4.50 surcharge. thank God the meter stayed the same when i reached the building. but still. i had no more cash left after tt and there wasn't any freaking atm machine ard. starved throughout the whole day.
the office was really boring. its the prudential office. so everybody had flexible hrs throughout. except me. the office was practically empty the WHOLE day. so basically i spent the whole day sorting out and filing papers with an occasional smile at whoever's walking past me. im glad the day's over. though i still hafta go back on mon i tink. shd i go back? really dun feel like it.
its at tanjong pagar! dun tink i've ever stepped into tt place before today. i was lost when trying to find the mrt station after work. saw tis highway which i mistaken for mrt tracks. and so i happily walked towards it tinking tt im so smart. den i saw a lorry drive past on the highway, and i realised my mistake. kept on walking and walking. i saw POSB which i was looking out for cos i wanted to draw money to fill my empty growling stomach. by God's grace, there was tis sign outside POSB tt
sayed said MRT 25 km. yay! and so i happily walked on and realised tt i couldn't see the mrt station at all. stupid me din noe tt tanjong pagar mrt is undergrd wan. kept on trying to find one tt resembles the amk mrt. just as i was looking blur and looking ard, tis nice gentleman asked me 'where u going?' i said 'mrt station'. he replied 'there!' and points somewhere. i den realised the mrt station is undergrd and thanked the man before heading home. *tired*
saw xiuyun at toa payoh mrt station just now. i said hello and smiled at her. she did the same thg. its funny how when we used to be in the same sch, we dun even say hi. why? must be me. not magnanimous enuff to go all out and make her my fren. actually i tink i am, but i was just scared. scared of how she'll react, scared of the real reasons why i wanna make frens with her. cos if u noe what happened, u'll understand why its kinda weird for us to be frens.
anyhow, im glad tt she has found her special someone. she looks all dressed up and pretty just now. must be going to meet shawn or somethg. haha. im proud of myself tt i was the first one to be frenly. going back to sch later for odac camp. it better be fun.
i wanna show off my bday pressie tt my dearest MADE for me last yr! lol.
she smiled @ 7:09 PM
Thursday, February 12, 2004
have u ever gotten tt kind of happy feeling tt u'll just laugh at every single lil thing even though it may not be tt funny?
or have u ever felt so sad tt even the funniest thg in the world couldn't cheer u up?
guess wad im feeling now.
she smiled @ 11:58 PM
ok everybody. I HAVE A JOB! :)
me and fel are officially lancome girls now. we're gonna be make-up gurus i tell u. haha.
went for interview in the morning at 10. i was late! reached the building at like 10.05. upon reaching the building, saw many many many pple crowding outside the building and in the lift lobby. at first thought they were having somekind of event or somethg. later found out frm the security guard tt they were doing a fire evacuation drill. i was like really? thought only schools will do such stuff. its gd i guess.. preparing urself for emergencies.
the lady who interviewed me is very pretty! and she's damn cool. when she bent down to pick somethg up frm her office rm floor, i saw tis tattoo somewhere near her left hip. very chic. she's nice. glad to have a nice supervisor.
went to watch along came polly with fel at cine. LOL. one funny show i tell u. there's tis french guy inside who's the ultimate! he's a blast. had a celebration at swensen's in commemoration of our new jobs. haha. hope the job's fun. hope i can get free lancome pdts! lol.
shopped at taka after tt. both of us bought tis top frm m)phosis. they having sale! the tops tt we bought got 70% off. bargain buy man. den fel had to go work leaving me all ALONE. sigh. wanted to go get a book frm kino "confessions of a shopaholic". but i spent too much money today!! so i went home. tis is it gina goh. NO MORE spending of money frm today onwards till payday.
received a call frm lancome pple. got training nxt wk. hope we start work soon. i need money!
going to lydia's mum's office to work tmr. hope it's not too boring.
had lotsa fun with fel today. took a few photos. upload them nxt time.
ODAC is darn pathetic tis yr. they had no response so the 3 days 2 nights camp got cut short to 2 days 1 night. and there's NO CAMPFIRE! like how pathetic is tt? wells. maybe going back tmr nite. even though there's like nobody. just for the sake of meeting up with my long time no see fellow odacians.
going jogging later. adios.
us at crown prince swensen's celebrating our new-found jobs. cheers!
taken in the toilet at cine after our movie.
she smiled @ 5:03 PM
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
yay i bought my quiksilver belt! it's the last piece. whew. was deciding whether to buy another day. lucky i bought today cos if not no more! got the school of rock soundtrack too. haha. it rocks.
she smiled @ 11:43 PM
had another interview for an admin job today. as usual, it was a flop. what i have now: 2 failed interviews & no job. darn. the lancome interview better go well tmr.
everyone else except me seems to have done well in their SATs. i will nv get pass the 1200 mark. pathetic failure.
she smiled @ 6:48 PM
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
there's a stupid mosquito on the loose in my house now!!! argh. bloody hate these small biting blood-sucking insects.
she smiled @ 11:09 PM
to all my friends out there, go to tis website:
love you guys! *muacks*

You're Most Like The Season Spring ...
Fresh faced, with a young outlook on life - you
smile at the world and expect it to smile back
at you. You're mostly a bubbly, fun - innocent
person. Described as cute possibly. However,
you're a little naive about things and tend to
be a little too trustworthy.
As the first season, It Makes you the youngest -
and so most immature - but people are inclined
to look out for and protect you.
Well done... You're the most fun of the seasons :)
?? Which Season Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
she smiled @ 10:50 PM
i cut my hair. *cheers & applause* ok im lame. basically my hair looks the same. just a lil shorter and thinner. well guess im not up for a radical change. yet. personally, i feel tt it takes courage to go to the hairdresser to get a haircut. when i was in sec1, i had to chop off my bee-yoo-ti-ful long hair cos i was going to pl and long hair was not allowed. tt was ok. i mean when my suddenly long hair became short china-girl hair, i was ok with it. den my mum brought me to her cousin's salon a few mths later. i was in tears when the whole ordeal was over. she practically ruined my hair. it looked like it got trampled on by a few elephants and cows, plus eaten by a few goats. i hated it. i did not talk to my mum for a few days cos she was the one who caused me to have tis ugly ugly hair.
looking back on tis whole experience now, i must say i really wanna thank my mum's cousin who's my aunt. if not for her, i might have been stuck with a china-girl hair for quite a few yrs. however bcos of her, i also developed a phobia of cutting my hair. each time i go to a hairdresser, i was really worried tt the final outcome of my hair would look like shit. as yrs go by, my phobia slowly diminished. but it was still there. i was still afraid tt my hair would look like shit. therefore going to the hairdresser requires courage. u have to have the courage to entrust ur hair to the hairdresser.
im talking crap. ignore me pls.
cheers to my dad for relocating my hi-fi set which was on my sis table all the way to the window sill beside my bed. i now have the hi-fi set within reach in the comfort of my bed.
she smiled @ 1:13 PM
Monday, February 09, 2004

sheep- you are sweet and gentle and everyone loves
you. you are very optimistic and tend to always
see the glass as half-full. your constantly
happy nature may sometimes be annoying to some,
but almost everyone adores you. you love being
surrounded by people who love you and unfamilar
situations are often uncomfortable to you. you
often feel that whenever things are tough or
unhappy that your friends tend to desert you.
this is because you are always happy and they
aren't quite sure how to make you feel better.
you always manage to cheer yourself up though!!
What Barnyard Animal Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
You are the silver moonlight. You have a deep soul.
Many people call you mysterious but they just
don't know you. You are often alone but shine
hope on every one else. People look up to you
and call to you for advice. You have been
betrayed but you have forgaven them. Your faith
in life has made you an inspiration to us all.
You are intelligent, quiet, beautiful, and
kind. You will become very sucessful. Your
dream career could maybe deal with the joy of
music. Keep up the spirit and let your mind
drift to the shining hope of the silver moon.
What shade of moonlight are you? (Boys or Girls) brought to you by Quizilla
she smiled @ 6:29 PM

Leather Boots- sleek, trendy, and popular, you are
always dressed right. You sometimes seem fake
to people that don't know you. You enjoy
shopping and hanging out with your many
friends. [please vote! thank you! :)]
What Kind of Shoe Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
she smiled @ 6:27 PM
YES! i have a new hi-fi set. FINALLY. after abt..2 or 3 yrs? haha.
did i mention tt i really don't like NS? he has a field camp tis wk and u noe what tt means? HE CAN'T BOOK OUT! wth. can't see him for 2 wks. btw tis also means tt im free and available on vday. so cmon my frens, just start dating me out already so i don't have to stay home and torture myself missing him.
i dreamt of HER last night. again. as if once is not enuff. in my dream, we were really nice to each other. wait a min. was i being awful to her? can't rem. but its all just a facade. how can u be nice to someone u don't like? im a bloody hypocrite.
ooh guess wad? william hung appeared in my dream last nite too. for those who have been living under a rock and dunno who tis famous guy is, pls click
here. i dreamt tt he was a super star with millions of fans ard the world. lol. must have watched too much american idol lately.
enuff of dreams. i need to get a job. SOON.
she smiled @ 12:35 PM
Sunday, February 08, 2004
.:if i told you tt i believe in fairies, will you bring me away where i don't have to grow up?:.
growing up really sucks.
she smiled @ 1:22 PM
Saturday, February 07, 2004
whee. had a nice day today. celebrated vday with my ah shuai! wondering why are we celebrating it now instead of nxt wk? well, he can't book out nxt wk due to some stupid field camp so no choice, had to do it today. but tink its a gd thing though, cos i bet nxt wk restaurants everywhere will be VERY crowded.
went to watch peter pan. LOVE it. the graphics and sound effects are good. i love peter pan. he's so heartbreakingly handsome! oh man i sound like a lovelorn freak. anyway its a nice show. used to read the peter pan book when i was young, and now its like i get to see it all happening before my eyes! tinkerbell flying ard, the great big dog who's the children's nurse, wendy walking the plank, and of course captain hook with his hook, smith his sidekick and the ticking crocodile! haha. i encourage everyone to go watch it! even if u dun like the story, you'll at least like peter pan. he's CUTE!
after the show, we went to have dinner at fish & co. yummy. had a seafood platter and mudcake, plus a mocktail. was damn full. but delicious! took a few pics of our yummilicious food. check them out under 'outings with my dearest!'. was really really full so decided to walk ard to aid digestion. end up buying tis brown roxy shirt which i tink its really nice. but ex. my pay's 3/4 gone. darn. need a job soon!
isn't he just adorable?
she smiled @ 11:58 PM
Friday, February 06, 2004
HEY! haha feeling a lil high now. just got back frm a bbq at my church fren, andrew's house. he's leaving for aussie nxt week!!! argh. another one leaving. why's aust so popular tt so many pple choose to go there to study? how can they bear to leave their family and frens and familiar surroundings and go all the way to aust where everything is new and scary and unfamiliar to them?
ok i admit it. im just jealous.
she smiled @ 11:53 PM
the pple frm recruit express did not call me. u noe wad tt means? i din get the job. im gonna be jobless for life.
she smiled @ 4:22 PM
Thursday, February 05, 2004
it has been another rainy afternoon despite the unrelenting heat of the sun in the morning. i went to tan myself. yes i attempted to tan myself upstairs at the roof terrace. it wasn't tt bad except i felt kinda stupid lying on the floor. shd ask my dad to get one of those lounge-by-the-poolside deck chairs.
sometimes i really do not understand my dad. sure, i know tt he's crazy over his beloved arowana. i mean, just look at my house and you'll know tt he's a fanatic. a pondful of arowanas, plus tanks in the living room and outside of my house. now he's planning to turn the space outside my room into another tankful of arowanas. he took away our beloved comfortable sofa (sob!) and replaced it with 3 fish tanks which are going to be filled with arowanas, no doubt.
everyday when he comes home frm a tiring day of work, the first thing he'll do is attend to his arowanas. be it feeding them, changing the water for them, or even swimming in the pond to take care of them, he's very dedicated. sometimes i feel as if he loves the arowana more than he loves us. but i know tt it can't be right? i mean how can u love ur pets more than ur own children? ok i tink i might be thinking too much (due to the amt of free time tt i have lately). lol.
so anyways in some ways im kinda glad tt my dad is so into this whole arowana thing though. (im contradicting myself!) just tt i dun appreciate the fact tt he took my beloved comfortable sofa away! tis explains all my blabbering just now. i believe tt he loves us very dearly. just tt maybe we can take care of ourselves and the arowanas can't? haha. wad a load of gibberish.
have an interview tmr. its an office job. admin assistant. must thank yvonne for helping me the whole time. thanks girl! sure hope tt its not a boring job though.
she smiled @ 9:18 PM
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
i'm jobless. and i dun like it. yes i used to complain how much i hate working when i was working. now im complaining how much i hate being jobless. i wanna go back to sch! feel envious of my youngest sis who gets to enjoy herself in sch everyday. with frens and all. i can't believe im saying tis but.. i actually miss having classes and doing work and studying for tests! all this free time must have driven me nuts.
one more mth to the moment of truth. gee. i can't wait.
oh yea. one more thg. i hate NS.
she smiled @ 4:20 PM
Tuesday, February 03, 2004
she smiled @ 3:27 PM
pink wings? cool.
she smiled @ 3:06 PM
Monday, February 02, 2004
guess wad? i jogged just now. YES I DID. even if it was only half an hr. I JOGGED. for those of u tinking tt i won't go jogging, tink again. time for tv.
she smiled @ 11:45 PM
ok. i tink i mentioned tt i was bored right? explains all the quizzes.
she smiled @ 11:42 PM
I'm Rachel Green from Friends!
Take the Friends Quiz here.
created by
she smiled @ 11:33 PM

I took the fruity fruit quiz
made by rav-chan
Check out which fruit you are
she smiled @ 11:22 PM

amanda bynes
which teen actress are you? brought to you by Quizilla
she smiled @ 11:17 PM

My inner child is six years old!
Look what I can do! I can walk, I can run, I can
read! I like to do stuff, and there's a whole
big world out there to do it in. Just so long
as I can take my blankie and my Mommy and my
three best friends with me, of course.
How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla
she smiled @ 11:01 PM

You represent... happiness.
Boy, are you full of cheer or what...? You have a
sunny disposition and enjoy trying to spread
your happiness. You have a tendency to be a
little hyper, but you have the ability to make
your own fun no matter what.
What feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla
she smiled @ 11:00 PM
ok once again, im bored. being jobless is seriously a bore. i got my pay..but its $300 LESS!! stupid marche. wth. trying to cheat my money. guess wad? im not tt dumb ok. u better get ready to welcome my presence cos i am going to get my rightful pay! just came back frm town with my mum. been a loooong time since i went shopping with her. rather tired now. and slpy too.
tis morning had family bonding with my family. my dearest ah liang look alike father came barging into my room at 9 plus in the morning, saying tt its 11 and we shd get up already. me and my sis just grumbled and mumbled and continue to slack in bed. haha but after awhile we got up. turns out dad was bringing us to yam cha to eat dim sum. was really crowded when we got there. place was like super duper busy. but luckily it wasn't long before we got a table. wow. ate a lot i tell u. everything frm char siew bao to siew mai to chee cheong fan to ha gao to pei dan zhok and a lot more which i cant rem. yummy. been really long since our dad took the family out for dim sum. we used to go quite often in the past, but very seldom now.
after our delicious dim sum meal, my dad INSISTED on going to some garden even though me and my sis and my mum protested. only my ah mah agreed. so when we reached there everyone stayed in the car except my ah mah and dad. dad bought tis plant tt costs $1000. hello? might as well give me the money rite? haha but if tt makes him happy, den let him be. we went to my dad's fren's dog farm after tt. saw so many cute adorable lil puppies! all kinds of breed. one of my dogs ran away sometime ago, and my dad was asking if we want another new dog. saw tis really cute golden retriever puppy. ard $800. my dad was like saying he sponsor $200 while me and my sisters fork out $200 each. !!!! as if im so rich like tt.
den it was home swt home. well for only a while cos my mum and i proceeded on our shopping trip after tt. went to taka & wisma. bought 2 tops frm U2. nothg else fancies me. oh btw i saw tis actress frm lightyears. tink her name in the show is elle or somethg. ya saw her at U2 shopping. tink she's rather skinny. but quite pretty though. felt like so ugly nxt to her.
pretty tired now. shall take a nap den ATTEMPT to go jogging later. haha.
she smiled @ 6:05 PM
Sunday, February 01, 2004

You have an air personality. You laugh easily and
often at the simplest of things, which gives
you an easygoing nature. Parties are your
specialty and you can't get enough of that kind
of atmosphere. Hardly anyone has seen you upset
and you will often lock away feelings of rage
or sadness to appear happy and content. Your
love life consists of flings where the other
person was often driven away by your refusal to
acknowledge your true feelings. But don't fear!
When you find that true love, you'll be able to
open up to him/her and build a strong
relationship that will last a long time.
Elemental Personalities: Which is Yours? brought to you by Quizilla
she smiled @ 11:32 PM
my throat hurts. im falling sick. great.
to my huiyu dearest: happy 19th bday! love u always :)
she smiled @ 1:07 PM